A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (2024)

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (1)


Shaun Connell


May 26, 2022

No matter what your job is, you naturally want to learn, grow, and excel. The better you get, the more you're worth to your employers, and the more you can charge for your services. Freelance writing is no different.

Freelance writing courses, however, come in many forms. Some are geared towards fiction writing, while others are aimed at technical writers, blog writers, or business writers. Whatever your proclivities, taking courses can improve your skills and help you build a stronger career as a writer.

As a business owner, freelance writing courses can be valuable as well. When you hire writers, you want to see them improve, so they can write more in-depth, well-written, and technically proficient content for your needs. Offering courses as training can be a beneficial way to improve the value of your writers and help them out in their careers.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (2) Below is a list of as many free writing courses as we can find. It is by no means comprehensive, of course; in fact, we rely on readers like you to help us. If you know of a free course to add to this list, let us know. If one of the courses on this list disappears or adds a paywall, likewise, let us know. We want this to be an evergreen resource, but we can't do it alone.

Before digging in, a couple of notes.

  • A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (3) Entries on this list are generally free forever. We've tried to avoid putting items on the list that have a free trial before charging you, as these are often disingenuous with what they can teach you in a month. There are still a couple here from established authorities, but many have been left off the list.
  • A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (4) There are several high-profile, excellent courses available online that cost money. This is by no means a comprehensive list of ways to learn freelance writing. It's just a list of free courses for those who are just starting their careers or who aren't making enough money to justify spending $300 (or more!) on a course.
  • A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (5) These cover pretty much every aspect of freelance writing. Some aren't even that focused on the writing itself, but on the marketing, SEO, and technical aspects where writing can be important but not essential. After all, freelance writers need to be marketers to sell themselves, just as much as they need to sell their clients' products.
  • A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (6) We've left off mention of writing fiction, poetry, songs, and essays, as well as other similar forms of writing. Freelance writers can, of course, sell their services in all of these kinds of writing, but since the majority of our audience tends to be focused on business writing, blogging, and marketing, that's where we've focused most of our course recommendations.

That said, here's our list of free writing courses to help you improve your writing, or to offer to your writers to help them improve.

Table of Contents

Gotham Writers

Blogging for Business by Ahrefs

Earn More Writing's Free Workshop

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google

Become a Better Blogger by Andrea Goulet

HubSpot Academy

SEO Training by Eric Schwartzman

Writing and Editing: Revising by the University of Michigan

Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization by the University of Michigan

Platforms for Learning

Topic-Focused Courses

Technical Courses

Your Contributions

Related posts:

Gotham Writers

Gotham Writers is an organization that has been teaching a wide variety of writing courses since 1993 and is currently one of the best resources for writers looking to hone their craft. Unfortunately, their vast course catalog is largely not free.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (7)

They do offer some free courses in-person in New York City, as well as the occasional free course over Zoom, but availability is limited, and there's no easy way to see which courses are available for free.

Blogging for Business by Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the top businesses in marketing today, and their expertise is top-notch. This course, hosted by Ahrefs and produced by Tim Soulo, is a four-hour crash course in everything you need to know to blog for business.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (8)

The landing page even has a complete breakdown of every section of the course, including the marketing techniques it uses. The course is completely free to watch at any time since it's just a video with lessons attached.

Earn More Writing's Free Workshop

Earn More Writing is a high-level organization aimed at introductory and mid-level freelancers looking to break into the career and get their legs. Most of what they offer is paid, but they offer this free workshop, primarily for newcomers to freelance writing and those who want to convert the hobby into a career.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (9)

It's not very deep or detailed, but it serves as a good overview and an introduction to the teaching style you would get if you enrolled in their paid classes.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Google

Google actually provides a lot of resources and education to anyone looking to succeed online, and this is one such resource. It's a self-paced free course with 26 modules and comes with a certificate of completion at the end of the course. It was also accredited by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Europe and The Open University.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (10)

It's not solely focused on writing, but marketing knowledge is good for any freelance business writer to have.

Become a Better Blogger by Andrea Goulet

Andrea Goulet is the founder of Corgibytes, and provides this course via Skillshare. It's considered an intermediate-level course aimed at writers and bloggers who want to succeed with online writing.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (11)

Like the Google course above, it isn't solely focused on the art and craft of writing but can be very useful for freelance writers nonetheless.

HubSpot Academy

HubSpot is one of the biggest names in business and online marketing, and their software powers a huge amount of what happens in the business world online. As such, they have an immense wealth of information available for you to learn from, and they offer a variety of useful certifications to prove that you know what you're talking about.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (12)

All of their courses and certification tests are completely free and available online for your perusal. Don't sleep on this one; the link here isn't to a specific course, but to an entire academy with dozens of courses and certifications available.

SEO Training by Eric Schwartzman

Eric Schwartzman is an author and digital marketing specialist. His expertise in SEO is top-tier, and this free course on Udemy focuses on teaching you everything you need to know at a basic and intermediate level for SEO.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (13)

It doesn't go into truly advanced techniques, but truthfully, most of those aren't necessary for writers. That said, everything you can learn about SEO and integrate into your writing is worthwhile.

Writing and Editing: Revising by the University of Michigan

Revising content to improve it is one of the skills most often overlooked by freelance writers, either because they rely on editors to do it for them or because they believe their first drafts are the best they can produce.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (14)

Often, revision is a skill that can use serious development. This course is an excellent introduction and overview on how to get better at revisions.

Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization by the University of Michigan

A key component of writing, for everything from academic essays to white papers to blog posts, is a logical structure and flow. The organization of information that you create and present to your audience is extremely important.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (15)

Learning how to organize and structure your writing is what separates novices from advanced writers, more than almost anything else.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn offers a variety of courses for learning about business, including several about business writing.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (16)

Unfortunately, they only offer a single free month of service before charging you, so take them quick.

Platforms for Learning

Many of the links above and below are courses offered on certain platforms. You can always explore those platforms and look for other courses that may interest you, as well. Alternatively, simply start here and explore these platforms without an eye for specific courses.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (17)

These platforms include:

  • MIT Open Courseware. MIT offers a variety of courses for free, often archived versions of courses taught in person, but occasionally courses designed specifically for their online audience. Some of these courses are among the best sources of education on their specific topics you can find online.
  • SkillShare. One of several online learning platforms, SkillShare has both paid and free courses. Luckily, they offer free and unlimited access to a large portion of their class roster, many of which focus on creative pursuits, including writing, marketing, and business.
  • Udemy. Like SkillShare, Udemy offers a wide variety of classes on thousands of subjects. Many of them are paid courses, but they also offer a variety of free courses on various subjects, including the art and craft of writing.
  • Coursera. Another online learning platform, similar to Udemy and SkillShare. Most of their courses are either designed as online courses or are archived courses, all coming from universities around the world. Some of the top educational institutions globally are represented here.
  • YouTube. Did you know that tens of thousands of experts simply post video courses on YouTube for anyone to find? It can be difficult, occasionally, to tell an expert course from someone who just made a video to clickbait the top ten rules of grammar you might have missed. However, with a little digging, you can find extremely useful resources right there on YouTube.

Bear in mind that there are also other platforms out there offering excellent courses, but they cost money. For example, MasterClass is one of the top sources of online learning from established masters of the craft, but none of their courses are available for free, so they aren't on the official list.

Topic-Focused Courses

Sometimes, you might find yourself focusing on a specific industry or topic in writing. Sometimes, those don't have any special requirements beyond learning certain terminology. Other times, you might want to learn how to write about a topic appropriately.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (18)

The courses listed here are focused on some of those specific topics:

Some topics require extra sensitivity and awareness when covering them appropriately, especially from the outside, so these can be critical courses in certain careers.

Technical Courses

While many of the courses on this list are specifically geared towards leveraging existing writing skills and learning how to specialize as a freelance writer, it can sometimes be beneficial to go back to basics and learn from the ground up. These courses are aimed at more technical aspects of the English language, writing in general, composition, and other "basics" that are still critical to successful writing. They're great for those who want a refresher, for those who never specialized in English and want to learn how to write better, and for ESL writers who want to improve their fluency.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (19)

These courses include:

There are also many books you can find at local libraries or online digital libraries that you can check out and learn the technical aspects of the craft. Writers, after all, love teaching about the craft of writing.

Your Contributions

If you happen to know of another writing course we haven't mentioned, that's free to enroll and participate in, let us know. We'd be happy to add it to the list. Likewise, if one of the courses above has moved, been removed, or is now behind a paywall, let us know. We're here to help writers out for free, not to push $300 writing courses.

A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (20)

If you've found any of these courses useful, feel free to mention that in the comments as well. We love hearing about the ways we've been able to help our audience, no matter what your goals are with your writing career (or as a business hiring writers.) Just drop us a line, leave us a comment, or review us elsewhere on the web! Additionally, if you have any potential questions, feel free to drop those down below as well! We'd be more than happy to assist you however we can!

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A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (31)

Written By:

Shaun Connell

Shaun Connell has spent his entire career either working as a freelance writer or hiring freelance writers for his many successful publications. Shaun has learned the exact tricks of the trade to hire the perfect writer for almost any niche.

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A List of Free Freelance Writing Courses to Improve Writing (2024)


What is the best freelance writing course? ›

The top 7 freelance writing courses
  • Pitch and Prosper.
  • Creative Class.
  • Blogging for Business.
  • Freelance Writing Essentials.
  • Power Writing Course.
  • Earn More Writing.
  • Write to 1k.
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How to improve your business writing skills
  1. Think before you write. To ensure you create effective business materials, plan your message before writing it. ...
  2. Be concise. ...
  3. Understand your audience. ...
  4. Use active voice. ...
  5. Avoid using jargon. ...
  6. Get to your message quickly. ...
  7. Focus on accuracy. ...
  8. Be specific in your call to action.
Feb 3, 2023

How can I become a good writer for free for beginners? ›

Here are just a few steps to becoming a better writer, which can begin to happen in just a few short weeks but takes practice over time:
  1. Set specific goals. ...
  2. Use simple and concise language. ...
  3. Read often. ...
  4. Take notes. ...
  5. Practice on personal time. ...
  6. Match your tone to your audience. ...
  7. Use a writing aid. ...
  8. Outline each piece.
Feb 3, 2023

Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing? ›

It is possible to earn decent money writing quality content. Even in the age of AI. I now write for a handful of clients and earn $1,000 or more per month, all while living a busy life and holding a “regular” day job.

How to become a highly paid freelance writer with no experience? ›

10 Ways to break into freelance writing without experience
  1. Write samples. ...
  2. Find a writing agency to support you. ...
  3. Launch a blog. ...
  4. Write for friends and family. ...
  5. Network with other freelance writers. ...
  6. Get your start with a content network. ...
  7. Revise and refresh your grammar. ...
  8. Learn about SEO.

How do you fix poor writing? ›

Make your writing clear and compelling by avoiding vague assertions, using examples, and writing in the active voice. To do effective proofreading and editing, take breaks before reviewing, read your work aloud, get feedback from other people, and use computer grammar tools and spell-checkers.

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Writing skills don't just include the physical act of writing. Skills like research, planning and outlining, editing, revising, spelling and grammar, and organization are critical components of the writing process.

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Freewriting Rules
  • Keep your hand moving the whole time. Don't pause to reread the line you have just written. ...
  • Don't cross out and especially don't erase. That's editing, not writing. ...
  • Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, or grammar. ...
  • Lose control. ...
  • Go for the jugular.

How can I improve my writing skills? ›

10 Essential Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills
  1. Read Widely and Analytically: Reading is the foundation of good writing. ...
  2. Write Regularly: ...
  3. Embrace the Writing Process: ...
  4. Expand Your Vocabulary: ...
  5. Focus on Clarity and Simplicity: ...
  6. Edit and Revise Diligently: ...
  7. Seek Feedback and Learn from It: ...
  8. Master Grammar and Punctuation:
May 11, 2023

How can I make my writing skills more effective? ›

How to Improve Writing Skills with these 18 Tips
  1. Make the Most of Every Word.
  2. Focus on Shorter Sentences.
  3. Keep Paragraphs Short.
  4. Avoid Monotonous Passages.
  5. Use a Natural, Conversational Tone.
  6. Get Rid of Unnecessary Words.
  7. Use Active Voice.
  8. Be on the Lookout for Word Repetition.
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Freewriting is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without stopping, and without regard for spelling, grammar, or any of the usual rules for writing. There are various possible forms of freewriting, such as journals, essays, and fiction writing.

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The average freelance writer makes about $29 per hour, and the average freelance writing rate per word ranges from $0.05-$0.10 for beginner writers, $0.30-$0.50 for intermediate writers, and $1-$1.50 for experienced writers.

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How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience
  1. Write for Friends, Family, and Other Associates. Start by writing for people you know – that way it won't be so intimidating! ...
  2. Create Samples to Show Prospective Clients. ...
  3. Start a Blog. ...
  4. Work with a Writing Agency. ...
  5. Network with Other Writers.
Sep 18, 2023

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Freelance Writing Niches: 9 High-Paying Content Types
  • E-Books. ...
  • White Papers. ...
  • Case Studies. ...
  • Email Writing. ...
  • Sales Pages or Landing Pages. ...
  • Video Script Writing. ...
  • Online or E-Learning Courses. ...
  • Book Writing (Ghostwriting) “The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.” –
Jan 4, 2024

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A lot of businesses are already out there looking for SEO experts, and there aren't enough of us out there to satisfy the demand. So if you can level up your skillset and stay client-focused, you can absolutely still be a full-time freelance writer in 2024. In a way that's both smart and sustainable.

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"As AI continues to advance, the need for human creativity remains strong," the Freelancer.com report found. "Employers are once again seeking freelancers to support with Creative Writing and Content Writing projects, which are up 22.4% and 19.4% respectively.

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A common question many aspiring writers ask themselves is “do you need a degree to be a freelance writer?” The short answer is no, but that doesn't mean there aren't things you can do, and skills you can hone, to improve your chances of success in this exciting freelance career.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.