Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (2024)

This homemade Greek chicken wrap is healthy, easy and perfect for dinner! Filled with rotisserie chicken, tzatziki, fresh and roasted vegetables it is quick to make, fresh, flavorful and delicious. This tasty Mediterranean chicken recipe is also easy to meal prep with a few simple adjustments.

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (1)

I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas. OMG my son has started really liking this show Dave and Ava on Youtube and I’m brainwashed. I sing this song when I’m not around him anymore. It’s getting BAAAAD. And people are staring. But I like to oot oot oot opples and bononos (that’s the other version – annoying or best song ever!).

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (2)

You know what I like to oot? Wraps. And chicken wraps? OMG Greek chicken wraps. I LOVE THIS ONE. It’s not your average. It’s like gyros, but not really – it’s a little healthier and easier to make.

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (3)

Greek Chicken Wrap Ingredients

Chicken. All you need for this easy Greek chicken wrap recipe, is some leftover chicken. I used leftover rotisserie chicken. Took the meat off the bone, cooked it in a pan with some herbs and garlic and it was so incredible.

Tzatziki. You can either make your own tzatziki by mixing yogurt, minced garlic, chopped cucumber and adding some salt or if you’re too lazy to do that – buy it to go. Just make sure to look at the ingredients. People put crazy stuff in sauces these days.

Cauliflower. Chop some cauliflower and roast it in a pan or if you choose to in an oven. You will not miss the fried that usually come in gyros. And, yes, here cauliflower is being itself. Not pretending to be mashed potatoes, chicken wings or rice or pizza…Cauliflower, I’m here to tell you: you’re worth it. I like you just the way you are. (you can almost hear that cauliflower crying tears of joy, can’t you now?)

Fresh veggies: I used some baby spinach at the base and made a small salad with cucumbers, olives, herbs, red onion, tomato and olive oil.

Something to wrap: You can use whole grain tortillas, pitas or naan bread or if you want to make this low carb, use a lettuce leaf.

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (4)

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (5) Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (6)

How To Make The Greek Chicken Wrap Fast

Pan. Use a pan to cook the chicken and the cauliflower. I cooked them separately, but if you’re really short on time you can also put them together in the pan with some olive oil, garlic and herbs. Now while that’s cooking make the tzatziki and the salad.

Make Tzatziki. Someone told me a while ago that they really love tzatziki, but it’s too hard to make. Ooooh, that’s so wrong. All you need to do to make tzatziki is chop a cucumber in tiny pieces, mash a few cloves of garlic and mix them with some Greek yogurt. It’s basically super easy. Add salt, you can also add dill or parsley and a Greek friend of mine recommended adding a little bit of vinegar. I haven’t tried it, maybe he was messing with me and wanted me to eat something horrible.

Chop The Vegetables. We’re making a variation of a Greek salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, onion and greens. Add some salt and olive oil to that and you’re ready.

Putting It All Together. Use a tortilla or a pita and start arranging the wraps. I started with some spinach, added the chicken, then the cauliflower, salad and topped everything with the sauce.

Wrap And Enjoy! Serve immediately after assembling, as this wrap can get soggy if you let it sit like that for a while. If you want to make it ahead, see the meal prep option below.

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (7)

Meal Prep Option

This healthy chicken wrap will get soggy if you decide to wrap it, take it to the office and eat it in like 4-5 hours.

You can still meal prep this recipe with these adjustments:

  • keep things separately: chicken, tortilla, tzatziki, and vegetables.
  • use halved cherry tomatoes, some olives and don’t add the dressing.
  • when it’s time to eat, grab that tortilla, put all the things inside and oot. I mean eat. Damn it.

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (8)

More Healthy Dinner Ideas:

I hope you enjoy these healthy Greek chicken wraps! For more easy healthy dinner recipes, check these out:

  • Homemade Chicken Soup From Scratch
  • 15-Minute QuinoaFriedRice
  • Tasty Red Lentil Curry Soup

Yield: 4-6

Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (9)

You will love this healthy Greek chicken wrap recipe! Filled with rotisserie chicken, garlicky tzatziki, fresh and roasted vegetables these chicken wraps are full of flavor, filling and nourishing. This easy dinner idea is also a great way to use any leftover chicken!

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time10 minutes

Total Time20 minutes


For the chicken

  • 2 chicken thighs (baked, rotisserie or even boiled)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 tbsp mint
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil


  • 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • cucumber, small, chopped
  • 1-2 clove garlic, minced
  • salt (a pinch)


  • 1 cup cauliflower, small florets
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

For the wrap

  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • olives
  • cucumber, chopped
  • spinach
  • cherry tomatoes, halved
  • fresh mint or parsley chopped

Other great additions:

  • avocado
  • hummus
  • grilled zucchini and eggplant


  1. For the chicken Pull the meat off the bones and mix with the rest of the ingredients for the chicken in a small bowl. Then transfer to a nonstick pan and cook for 3-4 minutes at medium-high until fragrant. See notes below if you're not using leftover or cooked chicken thighs.
  2. For the cauliflower Prepare the cauliflower: stir fry the cauliflower with 1 tbsp olive oil in a non-stick pan. You can add any spice you want here - I added some more chili flakes. This should also take around 3-4 minutes at medium-high heat.
  3. For the tzatziki. Mix Greek yogurt with the cucumber and garlic. Add salt if needed.
  4. Wrap it up! Fill a tortilla with the chicken, spinach, cauliflower, vegetables and tzatziki. Wrap it and enjoy immediately!


If you don't have leftover chicken - this will also work with skinless and boneless chicken thighs, you'll need around 6-8oz, or 200g. You will need to cook the chicken a little longer, but not too long. You can also add hummus, avocado and other roasted vegetables to this chicken wrap - zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, carrot - they all will work here, so use whatever is in season.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 462Total Fat: 27gSaturated Fat: 5gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 21gCholesterol: 86mgSodium: 465mgCarbohydrates: 34gFiber: 11gSugar: 13gProtein: 28g

Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (10)


Easy Greek Chicken Wrap Recipe - Her Highness, Hungry Me (2024)


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