Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (2024)

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If you're after the ultimate school dinner nostalgia, you have to give my gluten free jam roly-poly pudding recipe a go.

I can still remember the taste of it from primary school even though I haven't had one in more than 20 years.

So when I tried this recipe out, I couldn't believe how much I remembered the taste!

When I asked members of The Gluten Free Blogger Group on Facebook which dessert they missed the most, a jam roly-poly pudding was one of the most popular answers.

I knew had to give it a go! Surprisingly, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

I struggled to find any gluten free jam roly-poly recipes out there, which made me begin to wonder what on earth I had let myself in for.

But I'm pleased to say this gluten free jam roly-poly recipe is super easy and absolutely worth it - you're going to love it.

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (1)

The perfect school dinner nostalgia

I found myself sceptical the whole way through making this jam roly-poly.

I wanted to badly for it to be good, and knew I would be bitterly disappointed if it wasn't.

But you know when you bite into something for the first time in years and it take you right back?


This. Is. It.

Stodgy, sweet and sticky, this gluten free jam roly-poly is pure nostalgia.

I served it up with hot custard and it took me right back to sitting in the school dinner hall.

Before I was diagnosed with coeliac disease I loved this gluten free pudding, and it's so lovely to be able to try it again.

Now I'll have to think up some other gluten free school dinner pudding classics.

If you have any suggestions, I'd love for you to let me know!

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (2)


There's a full printable recipe card down below, but for the shopping list you will need:

  • 200 g gluten free self raising flour, (plus a little extra for rolling)
  • ½ tsp xantham gum
  • 15 g unsalted butter, (plus extra for greasing)
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 75 g gluten free vegetable suet, (I used Morrisons)
  • 115 ml semi-skimmed milk, (plus a little extra for brushing)
  • 130 g unseeded raspberry jam

I always use the FREEE gluten free self-raising flour but any gluten free blend will do.

If you don't have self-raising flour, just add 2 teaspoons of baking powder to any gluten free plain or all purpose flour blend.

I love using raspberry jam in my gluten free jam roly-poly but you can use any jam you like.

Plum and strawberry jams work particularly well.

And don't forget you'll also need to buy some custard to serve this up for an authentic school dinner experience.

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (3)

Finding gluten free suet

The first challenge in making this gluten free jam roly-poly pudding was to find some gluten free suet.

The usual stuff in the supermarkets normally contains wheat flour.

However the Morrisons vegetable suet is a fab accidentally gluten free product and one you'll want to stock up on!

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (4)

You can find it in their baking aisle, and it's made with rice flour so there's no gluten in it. Perfect.

This recipe only uses about half a bag of this gluten free suet, so you could either make two (recommended!) or save it for making something else.

I'm working on a gluten free suet dumplings recipe and it can also work well in pastry too.

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (5)

My gluten free jam roly-poly pudding recipe

Here it is, my super easy gluten free jam roly-poly pudding recipe.

This makes a roly-poly big enough for 4-6 people, depending how much you want!

If youmake this recipe and love it, please do let me know bytagging me on my Instagramor using#theglutenfreeblogger. I love seeing your creations!

And please do leave a review to let others know you loved it too! It would mean the world to me.

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (6)

Yield: 6

Gluten free jam roly-poly

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes

This gluten free jam roly-poly recipe will take you back to school dinner days! A nostalgic dessert made with gluten free suet and baked in the oven. Serve with custard.


  • 200 g gluten free self raising flour, (plus a little extra for rolling)
  • ½ tsp xantham gum
  • 15 g unsalted butter, (plus extra for greasing)
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp caster sugar
  • 75 g gluten free vegetable suet, (I used Morrisons)
  • 115 ml semi-skimmed milk, (plus a little extra for brushing)
  • 130 g unseeded raspberry jam
  • custard, (to serve)


  1. First pre-heat the oven to 200'C / Fan 180C / Gas Mark 6. Boil the kettle and then fill a deep roasting tin with the water. Place in the bottom of the oven and then place a wire rack above it.
  2. Cut a sheet of baking paper approx 30cm long. Grease one side with the extra butter and then make a pleat down the middle (to allow the roly-poly to expand as it bakes). Cut a sheet of foil around the same size and set aside.
  3. Add the flour, xantham gum and salt to a large mixing bowl and mix well. Using your fingers, rub the butter in to the flour. Add the sugar and suet and mix well.
  4. Add the milk and, using a spoon, mix well to create a dough. It will probably be a little sticky, but if it is too sticky add a little extra flour, a tsp at a time.
  5. For the easiest way to roll the dough, rip off an extra sheet of baking paper and dust with flour. Turn the dough out onto the floured surface, dust a little extra flour on top, and then roll out using a rolling pin to make a rectangle approx 30 x 22cm in size.
  6. Spread the jam evenly on top of the dough, leaving approximately 1.5cm border. Brush the border with milk and then roll the dough from the short end (like a Swiss roll). Pinch the edges together to seal the jam.
  7. Carefully place the roly-poly onto the greased side of the baking sheet and wrap, twisting the ends. Then roll this in the foil - not too tightly, as you want to leave the roly-poly some space to expand while baking.
  8. Place the foil-wrapped dough onto the wire rack above the water-filled tray. Bake for around 50 minutes. Remove from the oven, slice, and serve hot with custard.

Need some more baking inspiration?

If you’ve made this gluten free jam roly-poly pudding recipe and it hasn't satisfied your sweet tooth, I have plenty of recipe inspiration for you!

For some more gluten free bakes and desserts, check out my…

  • Gluten free toffee and pecan roulade
  • Easy Gluten Free Bakewell Tart
  • Gluten free pancakes with caramelised banana

If you do make this recipe please let me know! I’d love to see your photos using #theglutenfreeblogger,share them inmy Facebook groupor tag me onInstagram.

And if you have any recipe suggestions, please let me know in the comments what you’d like to see next!

Oh – anddon’t forget to sign up for my e-newsletterwhere you’ll know about all my latest posts and competitions first!

Like this gluten free jam roly-poly recipe?

Make sure youpin these recipe cards below for later!

Do head over andfollow me on Pinteresttoo for more gluten free recipe inspiration.

Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (7)
Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (8)
Gluten Free Jam Roly-Poly Recipe (with gluten free suet) (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.