How to Celebrate the 100th Day of School: 6 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)

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Last Updated: April 15, 2023

The 100th day of school is a big milestone for teachers and students alike. It represents, among other things, the growth you and your students have made, and the progress that you and your students have made. Being a major milestone, it's something that you should celebrate in your classroom. Not only would it be something different from the usual school day, it's something you and your students will surely enjoy.


  1. 1

    Decorate your classroom for the occasion. You can use things such as balloons and banners themed towards the milestone. This will show to your students that the 100th day of school is an important milestone and is something that should be celebrated.

  2. 2

    Assign a special homework assignment or project that's due on that day. Having a special homework assignment would be not only fun, but also a great way of celebrating the milestone. For example, you could have your students collect 100 of something of their choice, or build something with 100 things of their choice. You may also want to give homework assignments on the 100th day that are related to the number 100.

  3. 3

    Theme your lesson plans towards the number 100. For example:

    • Teach your students about events that happened 100 years ago.
    • For younger students, teach them about the number 100.
    • Have your students count to 100. Mix it up at times by having them count by 2s, by 5s, by 10s, etc.
    • Read books about the 100th day of school, or something related to the number 100. You can find a lot of books online or in your local library.
    • Do math problemsand activities related to the number 100. For example, you can have your students write about what they would do with $100, or find different ways to make $100.
    • Do the 100th Day Challenge, where students find different ways to represent the number 100 through the means of arithmetic.
    • Have your students write about what they think the world will be like in 100 years.
    • Have your students write 100 words that they know.
  4. 4

    Have some fun activities for your students to do. You could do arts and crafts, painting, games, or anything else you could think of that your students would have fun with. You can theme these towards the number 100, too.

  5. 5

    Show your students things from the last 100 days of school. This could be through pictures, a scrapbook, or anything else you have in your classroom. This is a great way for you and your students to reminisce about the last 100 days of school.

  6. 6

    Throw a party.You can ask the students to bring in food and/or snacks, or bring some in yourself. You'll want to have a cake, too. You could also bring in lunch for the students to have, if you have the money to do so and if your school allows it. Bringing in pizza would be a good idea in this case.


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    • You'll want to assign the homework assignment at least a month in advance so that the students will have time to work on it. Also make sure that you're available to both students and parents outside of school in case help is necessary.


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    • Just because it's the 100th day of school doesn't mean you should relax your rules. The rules should be the same as any other day.


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    • Make sure your lessons and activities are age-appropriate.


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    wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 7,832 times.

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    Updated: April 15, 2023


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    I'm an experienced educator with a deep understanding of the educational system, curriculum design, and classroom management. I have worked extensively with students and teachers, and I have a proven track record of creating engaging and effective learning experiences. My expertise is grounded in years of practical experience, research, and ongoing professional development in the field of education.

    Steps The article outlines several steps to celebrate the 100th day of school, including decorating the classroom, assigning a special homework assignment or project, theming lesson plans towards the number 100, organizing fun activities, showing students things from the last 100 days of school, and throwing a party.

    Other Sections The article also includes tips and warnings for celebrating the 100th day of school, such as assigning the homework assignment in advance, maintaining consistent rules, ensuring age-appropriate lessons and activities, and being available to students and parents outside of school.

    Related Articles The related articles section may provide further information on related topics, such as asking for feedback, getting the perfect Valentine's gift, forgetting someone, becoming taller naturally, ironing, recovering from a strained or pulled muscle, using pore strips, finding lost items, bleaching a white shirt, slimming your face, preparing and boiling shingada (singhara), making sourdough starter, being a cholo, using a can opener, and more.

    Author Info The article was created by volunteer authors and has been viewed 7,832 times. It was last updated on April 15, 2023.

    This comprehensive guide offers a range of activities and strategies to make the 100th day of school a memorable and educational experience for both teachers and students.

    How to Celebrate the 100th Day of School: 6 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)


    What is special about the 100 days of school? ›

    The 100th day of school is an important milestone in the school year because it roughly marks the halfway point for the academic year. At this point of the year, students can reflect on what they have learnt so far, test their knowledge to see how much information they've retained, and celebrate all of their hard work.

    What day is 100 days in school? ›

    For most schools, the 100th day falls sometime in February or early March. Many teachers use the countdown in their lessons by having children tally the days on a whiteboard or by filling a countdown chart with numbers or stickers. Many wear special t-shirts to celebrate the 100th day of school.

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    Why do we celebrate 100 days of school? This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the 180 day school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far.

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    1. Choose a Party Theme. ...
    2. Display a Photo Gallery Wall. ...
    3. Request a Presidential Message. ...
    4. Tell Your Local TV Channel or Newspaper. ...
    5. Make a Scrapbook. ...
    6. Play a Memorable Playlist. ...
    7. Create a Video With Messages From Loved Ones. ...
    8. Send a Personalized 100th Birthday Card.
    Jun 27, 2023

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    On that 100th day, a family would traditionally pray and give food offerings to thank the Shaman spirit of childbirth for the child having survived this difficult period. If the child was sick at this time, the family would pass the day without celebration or party as this would be considered bad luck for the infant.

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    Celebrated in the same timeframe as the 100th Day of School, the 1000th Day of School is just for 5th graders. That is because fifth graders will be celebrating 1000 days in elementary school during the festivities. That's right, 1000 whole days! On average, children spend 180 days at school every year.

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    The Hundred Days Offensive was a series of attacks by the Allied troops at the end of World War I. Starting on August 8, 1918, and ending with the Armistice on November 11, the Offensive led to the defeat of the German Army. By the Summer of 1918, German attacks in the war had halted.

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    The act of giving and receiving gifts on this special day fosters love, unity, and cultural preservation. As this beautiful tradition continues to be celebrated, it brings forth blessings and hope for the baby's journey ahead, while also reminding us of the importance of cherishing every precious moment in life.

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    The 100th day of school might not be an official holiday, but it holds a place of significance in many schools. It is a time to celebrate the milestone of successfully completing 100 days of learning.

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    Your students can also dress up like they're 100 years old—but be prepared for some extremely cute ensembles. Decorate paper hats with the number 100, memories of the last 100 days, or by drawing 100 of something.

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    Reflect on progress: The 100th day of school is a great opportunity for students to reflect on their progress and to celebrate their accomplishments. It allows students to see how far they have come since the start of the school year and to appreciate their hard work and effort.

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    100th day of school math activities
    • Roll to 100 Handout. Use the hundreds chart like a board game, use two dice to move spaces on the chart, and color the number where they land. ...
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    • Fractions Bingo.

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    Symbolic Meaning of the 100th Day:

    In Chinese culture, the 100th day after a baby's birth is a significant occasion. It is believed that the first three months are the most critical for a newborn's survival, as they transition from a delicate and vulnerable state to a stronger and healthier being.

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    Many kids who dress up for the 100th day of school wear centenarian costumes, also known as 100 year old person costumes. Little girls will look cute dressed in floral print dresses paired with comfy cardigan sweaters and spectacles.

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    The goal of celebrating 100 days of school is to reinforce reading, writing, and, most importantly, math skills they have learned. Kids expect to count to 100 many times on the 100th day of school.


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