Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (2024)

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Richten Sie Ihre Markenwerte aus


Befähigen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter


Ermutigen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter


Überwachen Sie Ihre Ergebnisse


Verbessern Sie Ihre Strategie


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Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Employee Advocacy bedeutet, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter Ihre Marke in ihren Netzwerken bewerben, egal ob online oder offline. Es kann Ihre Markenbekanntheit, Ihren Ruf, Ihr Vertrauen und Ihren Umsatz steigern. Aber wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? Hier sind einige Tipps, die Ihnen helfen sollen.

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  • Thusitha A.

    Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (3) Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (4) 7

  • Raphael Cunha Estrategista LinkedIn Top Voice em Social Selling | Mentor e Palestrante | Influenciador Digital | Vendas High Ticket |…

    Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (6) Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (7) 7

  • Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (9) 6

Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (10) Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (11) Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (12)

1 Richten Sie Ihre Markenwerte aus

Der erste Schritt besteht darin, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Markenwerte klar, konsistent und an Ihre Mitarbeiter kommuniziert werden. Ihre Mitarbeiter müssen Ihre Markenvision, Mission und Ihren Zweck verstehen und teilen. Sie müssen auch stolz und leidenschaftlich darauf sein, für Ihre Marke zu arbeiten. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie sie in Ihre Markenstrategie einbeziehen, Ihre Markengeschichten teilen und Ihre Markenerfolge feiern.

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    If you take care of your employees, your employees will take care of your customer or your brand or your clients.If you work on your employees brand, your employees will surely work on your company brand and put immense efforts to uplift that...


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  • Steffen Andersen Chairman of the Board, Verdens Bedste Fødevarer
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    Agree: Brand values are important. BUT…mind you..content, e.g. intrinsic value is super important. In a purpose driven and engaged world don’t underestimate the value of engaging employees in:Sourcing rawmaterial & labour and foot print & hand print, and professional competencies in transforming these attributes into Customer and Consumer relevant:Features, Advantages & Benefits. Call: 0045 2174 1076


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2 Befähigen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter

Der zweite Schritt besteht darin, Ihre Mitarbeiter zu befähigen, Markenbotschafter zu werden. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie ihnen die Tools, Schulungen und Unterstützung zur Verfügung stellen, die sie benötigen, um Ihre Markenbotschaft zu vermitteln. Sie können beispielsweise ein Brand Advocacy-Programm erstellen, das Ihren Mitarbeitern Anreize, Anerkennung und Feedback bietet. Sie können auch eine Inhaltsbibliothek erstellen, die relevante und ansprechende Inhalte enthält, auf die Ihre Mitarbeiter problemlos zugreifen und diese auf ihren Social-Media-Plattformen teilen können.

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    Motivation comes from inside, however appreciation is mandatory for all from top to bottom and bottom to top. If you hire right resource for right job and make a plan to work on their skill development and branding then they will surely start becoming an advocate of your brand and work like an entrepreneur.


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  • Vibha Saini A marketer who builds brand and drives growth | Helps brands with marketing and design consultancy services
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    Championing brand values requires more than just offering incentives and recognition to employees; it necessitates fostering an ongoing emotional connection. This connection involves periodically engaging with them on a personal level, allowing their sentiments to resonate with the brand. This alignment extends to discussing their aspirations and how the company can actively contribute to their individual development, fostering a culture of shared growth. As this culture takes root within employees, they naturally become passionate brand advocates, not only among their peers but in every interaction they have.


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  • Poonam Vijay Thakkar Mentor - NITI Aayog (GOI) | Top 100 CMOs (India) | Founder - #SupportSaturdays, #WeToo Voices, Podcast Host - ConsciousCORE Leadership | Former CMO - ABML (Aditya Birla Capital) - Aditya Birla Group | Angel Investor
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    In the last decade, the business world has gradually moved from customer advocacy to a more comprehensive approach towards businesses, one that includes employee advocacy on a larger scale. To champion this, an employee value proposition blueprint is the first thing all organizations should consider. This blueprint becomes the foundation for all employees to internalize. Employee advocacy goes far deeper than customer testimonials. Here, the goal is to exemplify what an organization truly believes in as its vision, and then lay out a clear communication path filled with innovative social media ideas. This allows employees to partner in that vision and cultivate a "surround brand advocacy program.


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3 Ermutigen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter

Der dritte Schritt besteht darin, Ihre Mitarbeiter zu ermutigen, sich an Ihren Bemühungen zur Markenbefürwortung zu beteiligen. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie eine Kultur des Vertrauens, der Zusammenarbeit und des Feedbacks schaffen. Sie können auch ein Gemeinschafts- und Zugehörigkeitsgefühl unter Ihren Mitarbeitern fördern, indem Sie Online- oder Offline-Räume schaffen, in denen sie interagieren, Ideen austauschen und voneinander lernen können. Sie können auch Ihre Erfolgsgeschichten im Bereich der Mitarbeitervertretung präsentieren und die Vorteile und Auswirkungen ihrer Maßnahmen hervorheben.

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  • Raphael Cunha Estrategista LinkedIn Top Voice em Social Selling | Mentor e Palestrante | Influenciador Digital | Vendas High Ticket | Branding | LinkedIn para Empresas | Construa e Monetize sua Autoridade e Inverta a Procura
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    A melhor maneira de incentivar os funcionários a promoverem a marca da empresa é empoderar seus pontos fortes através de reconhecimentos e prêmios, pois assim estarão com energia em alta para comunicar suas conquistas e demonstrar seus talentos em prol da empresa!


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  • Emily Neal 👩🏻💻
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    Creating a community around employee advocacy is key to ensuring ongoing participation. Engage with employee-generated content, and recognise your advocates with shout-outs. Having a space where employee advocates can suggest content ideas, get feedback, and ask questions goes a long way. Include your marketing team to provide support in helping employees grow their personal brands. When starting an advocacy program, there's likely to be a lot of initial interest among your team. Creating a community around the initiative makes it clear that this isn't just a 'marketing fad', but part of your company culture.


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  • Lynn Dhia MBA | Communicator | Brand-Builder
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    I think that this is something so important in a company that needs to be driven from industry leaders, right from the top down. There are many companies out there who do not foster this culture of trust and instead of promoting collaboration, they tend to micro-control the spaces of where employees can engage and interact. While this may be something that was once a commonplace of the 90s, businesses must evolve, just like their business models do. Their consumers and audience change, so must the way they treat their audiences internally as well. Of course, I speak for my own and not for any company but it is a real observation I have noticed within SMEs as well and hope that there could be a change for the betterment.


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4 Überwachen Sie Ihre Ergebnisse

Der vierte Schritt besteht darin, Ihre Ergebnisse zu überwachen und die Leistung Ihrer Mitarbeitervertretung zu messen. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie Analysetools und Metriken verwenden, die Ihre Reichweite, Ihr Engagement und Ihre Conversions verfolgen. Sie können auch Umfragen und Interviews verwenden, um Feedback von Ihren Mitarbeitern und Ihrem Publikum zu sammeln. Sie können diese Daten verwenden, um Ihre Stärken, Schwächen, Chancen und Risiken zu bewerten und Ihre Strategie entsprechend anzupassen.

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  • Poonam Vijay Thakkar Mentor - NITI Aayog (GOI) | Top 100 CMOs (India) | Founder - #SupportSaturdays, #WeToo Voices, Podcast Host - ConsciousCORE Leadership | Former CMO - ABML (Aditya Birla Capital) - Aditya Birla Group | Angel Investor
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    Tracking is the most important step, not only to refine strategy but also to learn from ongoing ideas and gauge the real impact on the ground. Thanks to digitalization, there are specialized social media tools available to track employee mentions, shares, likes, and comments across the social media universe. URL tracking using UTM parameters can be deployed to trace customers directed to one's website via employees. This can assist in establishing a mini customer referral program through employees, translating into tangible business for the organization. Additionally, consistent programs to train and refine social media skills within employee advocacy can significantly aid in crafting a more effective social media strategy.


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  • Damayanti Barua Marketing Communications Professional l Writer
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    This is critical for growth and when incentives are linked or when personalization is allowed. Today's market has ample analytics tools and social monitoring tools which one can choose from depending on specific requirements.


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5 Verbessern Sie Ihre Strategie

Der fünfte Schritt besteht darin, Ihre Strategie zu verbessern und Ihre Employee Advocacy-Ergebnisse zu optimieren. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie verschiedene Ansätze, Inhalte und Kanäle testen und aus Ihren Best Practices und Fehlern lernen. Sie können Ihre Leistung auch mit Ihren Mitbewerbern und Branchenstandards vergleichen und sich von anderen erfolgreichen Marken inspirieren lassen. Sie können auch Ihre Mitarbeiter in Ihren Verbesserungsprozess einbeziehen und um ihre Vorschläge und Anregungen bitten.

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  • Poonam Vijay Thakkar Mentor - NITI Aayog (GOI) | Top 100 CMOs (India) | Founder - #SupportSaturdays, #WeToo Voices, Podcast Host - ConsciousCORE Leadership | Former CMO - ABML (Aditya Birla Capital) - Aditya Birla Group | Angel Investor
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    Feedback sessions, surveys, social town halls, and engaging with social media experts and influencers to participate in this program and train your employees, combined with encouragement, can help the organization better their employee net promoter score significantly. Additionally, it can build a new-age universe where all employees feel a part of the advocacy program, not just as a job, but willingly, to enhance the net promoter score of the organization collectively.


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  • Damayanti Barua Marketing Communications Professional l Writer
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    To improve strategy, it's important to put together a structured report card which every participant can comprehend, no matter their department or role. Once the areas of improvement and strength are identified, the strategy can be tweaked for better performance.


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6 Wiederholen Sie den Zyklus

Der sechste Schritt besteht darin, den Zyklus zu wiederholen und Ihr Employee Advocacy-Programm frisch und relevant zu halten. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie Ihre Markenwerte, Ziele und Botschaften aktualisieren und diese Ihren Mitarbeitern mitteilen. Sie können auch Ihre Inhaltsbibliothek, Anreize und Anerkennungsprogramme auffrischen und neue Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten für Ihre Mitarbeiter einführen. Sie können auch Ihre Ergebnisse, Ihr Feedback und Ihre Strategie überprüfen und die erforderlichen Änderungen und Verbesserungen vornehmen.

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  • Poonam Vijay Thakkar Mentor - NITI Aayog (GOI) | Top 100 CMOs (India) | Founder - #SupportSaturdays, #WeToo Voices, Podcast Host - ConsciousCORE Leadership | Former CMO - ABML (Aditya Birla Capital) - Aditya Birla Group | Angel Investor
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    Repeat the cycle by creating a motivational tangible property. The Employee Advocacy program must be constructed with creative ideas, distinct from those laid down for customer advocacy. The approach should aim to create an environment "for the employees" that's conducive, equitable, inclusive, and focused on the subtle art of building a team from cross-functional units. Many organizations grapple with the challenge of teams working in silos. Ideas centered on employee advocacy can work wonders in uniting remote teams if implemented end-to-end with freshness and a long-term annual approach. For instance, announce a yearly contest - "Influencer of the Year" for your company? Use this award as a foundation to build a roadmap backward...


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7 Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

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  • Thusitha A.
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    Think beyond the marketing function. A brand is an asset for the entire organisation. Create excitement but also a participative culture where everyone is welcome on board to be part of the journey. Brands are not grown overnight, would be great to have more company along the way


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    In creating strong employee advocacy for your brand, it's essential to move beyond the foundational steps of alignment, empowerment, and encouragement. Dive deeper by Humanizing Your Brand--connecting the personal stories and passions of your employees to your brand narrative. This authentic connection is memorable and resonates deeply with audiences. Invest in Continuous Learning for your team. When employees grow, they naturally become brand ambassadors, blending their personal growth with the company's success. Cultivate a Feedback-Rich Culture—ensure every employee feels heard, valued, and active in your brand's journey. It's this holistic approach that transforms employees from mere brand ambassadors to true brand advocates.


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  • Virginie Delplanque ✅ Présidente_Co-Fondatrice @ ✅ Check it easy
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    Be GENIUINE and CONSISTENT. Authenticity is key: you must set up values that really reflect your mindset, vision, ambition. And if you are genuine, it will be easy to be consistent. Consistency is key: you need to "say what you want to do and do what you say." Nothing more. If everything is constitent, your employees will follow and become leaders for others... That's a virtuous circle...


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  • Digitales Marketing
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  • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/PR
  • Suchmaschinenmarketing (SEM)
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  • Interne Kommunikation Wie können Sie digitale Kommunikation nutzen, um Employee Advocacy und Markenbotschafter zu unterstützen?
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Wie schaffen Sie Employee Advocacy für Ihre Marke? (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5975

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.