Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (2024)


What is Crystalline Conflict?

Crystalline Conflict is the new Player vs. Player mode introducedin Patch 6.1. Crystalline Conflict pits two teams of five players,Teams Astra and Umbra, against each other with the primary objectiveof pushing the objective, the Tactical Crystal, to the other team's base.Matches of Crystalline Conflict have a time limit of five minutes,with the possibility of being shorter if one team finishes the objective or longerif the game goes into overtime. If a match reaches overtime, the objectiveto win will change for both teams depending on who is in the lead when overtime begins.


Crystalline Conflict Rewards

Finishing a Crystalline Conflict match gives you a variety of rewards, including PvEExperience, Allagan tomestones, Wolf Marks, PvP experience, and Series experience.

PvP Experience is tied to your Grand Company, meaning your experience will not carryover if you switch Grand Companies. Leveling up your PvP rank will earn you different titles based on your currentGrand Company.

Accumulating Series Experience and increasing your Series Level will allow you to reachnew Series Malmstones. Different Series Malmstones will grant you different rewards, and rewards for certain malmstoneswill differ between series.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (1)

Some malmstones grant Trophy Crystals, a new currency added with the launch ofCrystalline Conflict. Trophy Crystals can be traded with the Crystal Quartermaster in the Wolves' Den Pierfor a variety of gear and rewards.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (2)

Crystalline Conflicts rewards are split into two groups; Seasonal and Series. The Seasonal rewards arebased more upon your actual ranking within your server, while the Series rewards are based more upon participationand do not require you play Ranked mode.

Crystalline Conflict Seasonal Rewards and Rankings

Crystalline Conflict Series 1 RewardsCrystalline Conflict Series 2 RewardsCrystalline Conflict Series 3 RewardsCrystalline Conflict Series 4 RewardsCrystalline Conflict Series 5 RewardsCrystalline Conflict Series 6 Rewards


Crystalline Conflict Job Guides

All Job guides can be found below. Take note that they are specifically meant to beapplied to Crystalline Conflict. The information may or may not be applicable to otherPvP modes.

PaladinWarriorDark KnightGunbreakerWhite MageScholarAstrologianSageMonkDragoonNinjaSamuraiReaperViperBardMachinistDancerBlack MageSummonerRed Mage


Crystalline Conflict Rules

The objective in Crystalline Conflict is to push the Tactical Crystalto the other team's goal. Each match begins with the Tactical Crystal in the center of the arena.After 30 seconds pass, the Crystal is unlocked, allowing either team tobegin pushing it towards the other team's goal. If the Crystal is occupied by a member of a single team,it will begin moving towards said team's objective. If it is occupied bymembers of both teams, however, the Crystal will stay in place until one team steps off the objective.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (3)

If the team pushing the Tactical Crystal has lower progress than theother team, or is retreading a part of the path it has already moved through,the Tactical Crystal's movement speed will increase. When a team reachesthe halfway point towards the other team's goal, there is a checkpoint they must clear before the Crystal canbegin moving past 50%. The team can progress the checkpoint by standingon the Crystal when it is at the halfway mark, while the opposing team can slow down checkpoint progress bycontesting the point. After the checkpoint reaches 100%, the team cancontinue to move the Tactical Crystal towards the goal.

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If neither team has reached the opposing team's goal when the match timer runs out,the game will enter overtime. During overtime, the victory conditions for eachteam will change depending on who has the advantage. If a team has pushed theCrystal farther and is in the lead, they can win by removing all enemy players from the Tactical Crystal.If a team has less progress and is losing, they must push the Crystal past theopposing team's progress score to win. If both teams have an equal score, either team can win by being thefirst to achieve a greater progress score. If both teams step off the Crystalwhile having an equal score, the match can end in a draw.



Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (5)

The HUD displays important information during a match.The elements the HUD displays are as follows:

  1. Time Limit
  2. Team Astra Progress Number
  3. Team Umbra Progress Number
  4. Tactical Crystal Location and Occupying Players
  5. Team Astra Checkpoint Progress
  6. Team Umbra Checkpoint Progress
  7. Team Astra Goal
  8. Team Umbra Goal
  9. Team Astra Progress
  10. Team Umbra Progress


Crystalline Conflict Arenas

PalaistraVolcanic HeartCloud NineClockwork CastletownThe Red Sands

Crystalline Conflict currently supports five arenas: The Palaistra, TheVolcanic Heart, Cloud Nine, The Clockwork Castletown, and The Red Sands. All five arenas feature Medicine Kits which can be found scattered acrossthe arena. Standing on a medicine kit will restore 30,000 HP and remove thekit from the arena, denying other players from accessing it until it respawns after a set period of time.


The Palaistra

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (6)

The Palaistra is the first and most simple of the three Crystalline Conflictarenas. While this map does not feature a unique arena event,sprint zones that will grant the buff Swift Sprintand increase player movement speed can be found in the arena.

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The Volcanic Heart

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (8)

The Volcanic Heart is the second of the Crystalline Conflict arenas. Similarto the Palaistra, a sprint zone can be found in the map that will grant the Swift Sprint buff.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (9)

The Volcanic Heart also features the arena event Eruption. During this event,bombs will appear around the arena and explode, creating line AoEs that deal heavy damage to anyonehit. Bombs that explode will also leave behind Bomb cores, tiny red orbs that canbe picked up by a player. Picking up a bomb core will temporarily increase damage dealt and boostthe limit gauge, and can be stacked up to 10 times.

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Cloud Nine

The third Crystalline Conflict arena is Cloud Nine.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (11)

Unlike Palaistra and Volcanic Heart, Cloud Nine does not have Sprint Zones. Instead, CloudNine features Jump Glyphs, which will transport you to a specific point on the map when you step on them.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (12)

Cloud Nine features the arena event Turbulence, which will launch players into the airafter a set time. Players who are launched will receive heavy damage upon landing. Before the initial turbulencelaunches players into the air, yellow chocobo markers can be found moving around the arena.If a player stands in one of these when they are knocked upwards, they will receive a black chocobo feather,preventing them from taking damage and increasing movement speed, attack speed, and the limitgauge. Players can also prevent this knockback using the Guard action.

After the initial turbulence knocks players into the air, tornados that deal damageand push players can be found around the map for a short period of time.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (13)


The Clockwork Castletown

The fourth Crystalline Conflict arena is The Clockwork Castletown, added in patch 6.3.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (14)

Clockwork Castletown is a Kugane themed map that features multiple arena events that you must play around during amatch. The first event is refered to as Trick Floors. Standing on the tatami floors in the hallways next to each spawnfor too long will cause them to launch into the air, dealing damage and stunning everyone who is still on the tile whenit flips.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (15)

The second arena event are the Trick Doors in multiple spots around the arena. These doors act as warps to an exitpoint at a different place in the arena. They can be used to return to a fight much faster than running from your spawn,as well as for setting up ambushes or flanks. These doors are one way, so you cannot return through them.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (16)

The last arena event in Clockwork Castletown is the Pneumatic Parade. The Penumatic Parade triggers a couple of minutesinto a match, and it spawns 2 clockwork dolls that travel on predetermined tracks on the arena. They will stop at thecenterpoints, both checkpoints, and both goals. Upon arriving at each of these locations, they will unleash a mechanic thatmust be dodged. The Clockwork Yojimbo will stop at each spot and unleash a wide circular AoE centered on it, that will killanyone that is inside the AoE indicator when it goes off. The Clockwork Onmyoji will stop at each spot and unleash a look-awaymechanic. Players must look away from the Onmyoji or else risk being afflicted with Minimize, which will make you smaller, dealless damage and take more from enemies, and will slow your movement down. In addition to the 2 clockwork dolls, piles of goldcoins will spawn. Picking up one of these coins will grant you energy for your Limit Break.

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The Red Sands

The fifth and newest Crystalline Conflict arena is The Red Sands, added in patch 6.51.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (18)

This desert themed map features a number of arena events, some of which are detrimental, and some that are beneficial.Playing around these events will be the key to victory. The first arena event to look out for are the Shifting Sands.They are areas of flowing sands that will transport you to another place on the map, much like Cloud Nine's jump pads.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (19)

The next arena event are the Sandpits. By each checkpoint, there exists a large nest shaped like a ring. Clearing anycheckpoint with the Crystal will trigger the nest, and cause it to spawn one of 3 monsters. The first spawn is the Antlion,and it will unleash a large AoE centered on the nest, and all players who are caught in it will be pulled in and die. Thesecond spawn is the Sabotender. The Sabotender will cast 100,000 needles, a large AoE that will deal a total of 100,000damage split between every player caught in the AoE. This means that if 4 players were caught in the AoE, they would eachtake 25,000. The third spawn is the Acutender, a lunatender that will cast Therapeutic Needles. All players caught withinthe AoE will be given a shield that equally splits between them. The more players in the AoE, the weaker the shieldswill be.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (20)

The third arena event is the Oasis. The Oasis area of the arena will grant players within it a regen that willpersist for a few seconds after leaving.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (21)

The final arena event are the Heatwaves. When Heatwaves are active, players will take damage over time. During theseHeatwaves, the Sandpits will no longer spawn any of the monsters, but instead will turn into a geyser. This geyser will spawnfriendly AoEs in the area of the sandpit that will heal you and grant and some charge for your Limit Break. Getting tooclose to the geyser itself will knock you back and deal damage, so staying far away from the geyser itself is advised.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (22)


Combat Overview

Every job has its own PvP actions separate from the actions they use in PvE. PvPactions are defined by the silver border surrounding their job icon.

Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (23)

In addition to their unique actions, there are five actions shared betweeneach job: Standard-issue Elixir, Recuperate, Purify, Guard, and Sprint.

Standard-issue Elixir restores both your HP and your MP to maximum. It has afive second cast time and can be interrupted by taking damage. This is an important action to use as it allows youto disengage from a fight to recover and return with full HP and MP.

Recuperate is an ability that recovers HP with a potency of 15,000. Recuperateis arguably the most important action you have in PvP, as it allows you to regenerate your health and stay alive duringintense battles.

Purify is an ability that will remove most crowd control status effects when used.If used successfully, Purify will also make you immune to further crowd control debuffs for five seconds.

Guard decreases all damage taken by 90% and provides immunity to crowd control debuffs.Guard lasts for five seconds and using any action while under the effect of guard will remove it.Guard is an invaluable tool that can be used in a variety of situations, such as guarding on the tactical crystal to prevent the other team from moving it.

Lastly, as in PvE modes, Sprint increases your movement speed. Unlike PvE, however,Sprint in PvP lasts indefinitely until you execute your next action.

Each job also has their own unique Limit Break. The Limit Break gauge is individualper person, meaning each player can use their limit break as they see fit. Limit Break gauge is primary accumulatedpassively when you are alive, but can also be further increased by different effects oncertain maps as noted above. Cooldowns for limit breaks vary between jobs.

Communication in Crystalline Conflict is exclusively done through Quick Chat, preset messages that can be assigned to a hotbar to quickly communicate with your team during a match.

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Ranking System

Crystalline Conflict features two playlists, casual and ranked. As the name implies,casual does not have any effect on rankings. Ranked, on the other hand, will affect your rank and primarily match youwith players in similar ranks to yours. There are six ranks in total, those being Bronze,Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Crystal. Ranking up from Bronze through Diamond will primarilybe done through Rising Stars. Each victory will grant you one Rising Star while each losswill remove one Rising Star. Winning three games in a row will increase the rate you earn stars totwo per win due to a "Streak bonus." Each tier up to Diamond is divided into subtierscalled "risers," with Bronze and Silver being divided into three risers, Gold and Platinumbeing divided into four risers, and Diamond having five risers. While you can be demotedbetween risers, your rank will not drop below your current tier.

Unlike the other tiers, Crystal does not have risers and does not use Rising Stars.Crystal rankings are primarily done through Crystal Credit, which you will gain with eachvictory and lose with each defeat.The amount of credits earned or lost is based on the difference in average credit between each team.

Your current rank and highest rank is displayed in the Crystalline Conflict tab of yourPvP profile. This tab also shows the number of victories in each playlist.

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Participating in Crystaline Conflict matches can allow you to earn achievements withmount, minion, and title rewards. Objectives for completing achievements can includegetting as many as 5000 victories, knockouts, and assists. There are also achievementsfor winning 1000 matches as each role which grant a different title, the roles being tank, healer,melee DPS, physical ranged DPS, and magical ranged DPS.



  • 05 Jul. 2024: Series 6 rewards added, alongside Viper guide.
  • 31 Oct. 2023: Guide updated for patch 6.51.
  • 21 Apr. 2022: Guide added.

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Crystalline Conflict PvP Guide (2024)


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