Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (2024)

There exist myriad fighting styles, each of which has its own unique qualities. None, however, can claim to be as offensively minded as ours. Our approach is ever one of attack, no matter who─or what─we face. An experienced lancer is able to wield a polearm as if it were an extension of his body. He transforms into a raging storm before his foes, delivering a barrage of devastating thrusts and slashes. In order to facilitate such a relentless offense, we lancers favor armor of leather and chainmail─such things as provide adequate protection without sacrificing mobility. The measure of a lancer's worth is truly quite simple: how swiftly and decisively he can pierce the enemy's defenses.

The Dragoon is a Job in Final Fantasy XIV, introduced as the Discipline of War Lancer in the original release. Players start as a Lancer, and then may upgrade to Dragoon using the Soul Crystal obtained from the quest "Eye of the Dragon" after Lancer reaches level 30.


  • 1 Profile
    • 1.1 Lancer
    • 1.2 Dragoon
  • 2 Story
    • 2.1 History
    • 2.2 Lancer
    • 2.3 Dragoon
    • 2.4 Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
    • 2.5 Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
    • 2.6 Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
  • 3 Equipment
    • 3.1 Relic Weapon and Artifact Armor
      • 3.1.1 A Realm Reborn
      • 3.1.2 Heavensward
      • 3.1.3 Stormblood
      • 3.1.4 Shadowbringers
      • 3.1.5 Endwalker
  • 4 Job Gauge
  • 5 Abilities
    • 5.1 Class and Job Actions
    • 5.2 Role Actions
    • 5.3 Traits
    • 5.4 Role Traits
    • 5.5 PvP Actions
    • 5.6 Removed actions
  • 6 Limit Break
  • 7 Other appearances
    • 7.1 Pictlogica Final Fantasy
    • 7.2 Final Fantasy Record Keeper
    • 7.3 Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
  • 8 Behind the scenes
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 Etymology



Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (1)

The strategy of the lancers is to out-range and fluster opponents with their long, two-handed polearms, peppering them with a barrage of thrusting attacks. They are trained with a number of weapons, giving a diversity to their attacks that makes them extremely versatile combatants.

In former times, the longspear saw the most widespread use, due in great part to the influence of the proud lancer legions of Ala Mhigo. Since then, the guild has greatly expanded its armories to include a variety of weaponry, such as the throwing javelin.


Lancers attack with spears and are regarded as a physical melee DPS class. They specialize on dealing heavy spike damage to single targets by attacking from their flanks or backs, or damaging multiple enemies at once when they are surrounded or packed tightly in line formations.

Lancers have the most weaponskills of any Discipline of War. Their combo branches into two: Full Thrust to purely deals damage and Disembowel to increase their damage, which continues to a damage-over-time effect with Chaos Thrust. Like most physical melee DPS, Lancers have positional weaponskills which increase the damage when performed on the enemy's rear or flank.


Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes.

Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every ounce of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.


Dragoon focuses on weaving Jump attacks between weaponskills, dealing heavy damage between each hit of their combos. In higher level, they can use Mirage Dive to attract the gaze of first brood onto them, temporarily upgrading their weaponskills into the more powerful variations. The Dragoon also learns party utilities in Battle Litany and Dragon Sight.

In story, the character Estinien Wyrmblood is an important Dragoon.



Nigh on a thousand years ago the Dragoon first leapt onto the pages of history. The tale of Ishgard's founding speaks of the death of King Thordan at the talons of the wyrm Nidhogg, and of how his son, Haldrath, battled his father's slayer to open the path to his people's salvation. He claimed an Eye from his foe ere the great wyrm fled the field, and by drawing on the power of this grisly trophy did he gain mystical strength. Thus was born the legacy of the Azure Dragoon. Haldrath's knowledge and expertise became the inheritance of future generations, and his name was evermore revered as the father of Dragoons.

In the Dragonsong War, many a Dragoon has risen to the heights of glory—and yet more who have suffered ignominious defeat. To replenish their elite ranks, soldiers of particular excellence are selected from the Temple Knights to undergo dragonslayer training, but only few graduate due to its grueling challenges. Of those who do earn the right to be called Dragoon, it is tradition that only the strongest is chosen to wield the power of the Eye and inherit the mantle of the Azure Dragoon.


The Warrior of Light applied as a Lancer in the guild led by Ywain Deepwell. Upon learning some spear techniques, a sinister Lancer named Foulques of the Mist challenged the guild to prove that his off-shoot techniques were better than the guild's.

Foulques invited the Warrior on some sparring with unfair challenges, but he grew impatient because the Warrior always prevailed. He challenged the Warrior to a duel upon the side of a cliff and fell on his death. Ywain grieved Foulques' death, claiming that had life not dealt him such a cruel hand, he might have been one of the greatest Lancers in the Guild.


Ywain sends the Warrior of Light to help an Ishgardian friend, Ser Alberic. He enlisted their aid in tracking down the Eye of Nidhogg, a priceless Ishgardian relic that had been taken by Estinien Wyrmblood. After searching around for the fugitive, they are ambushed by the Dragoon. The eye resonates, choosing another Azure Dragoon. Estinien is dumbfounded and retreats, and tells the Warrior of Light they will meet again. Alberic explains that Estinien was his pupil, and is the current Azure Dragoon. He gives the Warrior of Light his soul crystal and promises to teach them the ways of the Dragoon.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (2)

Ser Alberic gives numerous trials, testing the Warrior of Light for a fight against Estinien, and shares the history of Dragoons. Estinien sends a message to Alberic requesting to meet at Boulder Downs. Once there, he tells Estinien to return to Ishgard. Estinien tells them that Nidhogg has awakened and he plans to use himself as bait to lure the great wyrm away. Alberic senses revenge within him, and Estinien vows to take everything from Nidhogg as he has done to him. He tells the Warrior of Light to earn the Drachen armor, as him and his master before him have done, and takes his leave.

Alberic sets the Warrior of Light against multiple trials to earn the Drachen armor, and regales the story of what happened 20 years past when he fought Nidhogg. When he struck Nidhogg with his lance, he met his gaze and felt the wyrm's emotions of sorrow, rancor, and pity. In that moment Alberic lost his ability to fight and the dragons burned down Fernedale. He was only able to rescue one child: Estinien.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (3)

Estinien meets the Warrior of Light and Ser Alberic once more at steel vigil. He confronts his former master, calling him a coward for letting Ferndale burn and that the eye had told him about his past. He attempts to strike Alberic down, but the Warrior of Light steps in and the two fight. Estinien asks for more power from the eye, but the Warrior of Light prevails and Estinien falls to the ground. A mysterious voice taunts Estinien who calls out to Nidhogg and is a washed with dark power. The Warrior of Light appears as the first dragoon Haldrath, and stops Estinien from becoming a dravanian thrall. The conflict is over with Estinien gone.

Once at the Observatorium, Ser Alberic praises the Warrior of Light though ponders over what he witnessed. Nevertheless, he considers Estinien his son no matter what he does.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (4)

The Warrior of Light speaks tells Ser Alberic and that Whitebrim is under attack by dragons. He sends them to aid the Ishgardian Dragoons. They find there wounded Dragoons and a wyrm. After the battle, the Warrior meets Ser Alberic and a mysterious Dragoon named Heustienne. She is of the Order of the Knights Dragoon and assisted in the Warrior's training. She asks to train under the Warrior of Light to defeat a dragon called Graoully. The Warrior of Light agrees to train her, and in the meantime she trains on her own in Coerthas Western Highlands. The Warrior of Light meets her there only to find her overwhelmed by dragons. After the dragons are defeated, she tells the Warrior that she attempted to mimic their lancework, and asks for more demonstration. Following the defeat of another dragon, Heustienne fails to understand how her lancework differs. The Warrior comes up with a new technique to draw out the strength of their comrades.

Heustienne requests the Warrior of Light to meet her in Ishgard where she introduces them to her father, Montorgains, who is glad to see her well, and takes his leave. Heustienne tells her mentor that her father is kind, and that she would have died long ago if he had not found her. She wants to honor her father and follow in his footsteps in becoming a Dragoon. At the conclusion of her story, she tells the Warrior of Light that Ser Alberic wished to speak with them. Ser Alberic shares more of Heustiennes past, stating that she was the rival of Estinien and has tremendous potential.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (5)

The dragon Graoully and his horde are advancing on Ishgard. Ser Alberic requests that the Warrior of Light assists Heustienne and has them meet her at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly. In Ishgard everyone is preparing for battle, and Heustienne's father gives her a gift before she departs: her father's lance, the Peregrine. Before the Warrior of Light leaves, Montorgains requests that they watch over his daughter. The battle takes place at the Pike in Western Coerthas and the group is faced with continuous waves of dragons. After the defeat of the lesser dragons, Graoully appears, and Heustienne attacks, mounting the dragon and leaving the Warrior of Light behind. The Warrior reports back to her father who still believes she is alive.

Searching for any lead in finding Heustienne, Ser Alberic hears of a heretic wielding the lance Peregrine. Ser Alberic tasks the Warrior of Light with tracking them down for a clue as to where Heustienne has gone. A temple knight at Riversmeet tells them that they have found the heretics and are held up in a cave. The Warrior of Light rescues Heustienne, who shares the tale of how she survived and was captured by heretics. She bids the Warrior of Light return to Ishgard with news that an attack is coming, and tell her father that she died in battle. She requests that the Warrior of Light take care of her comrades and her father before taking her leave. Montorgains doubts that his daughter has been slain, and the Warrior of Light tells him the truth. He is glad to know that she lives, and sets out to find her.

Alberic discovers that the heretics they are after call themselves the Bloodbearers, and their leader is named Matheonien. These heretics are capable of assuming the form of dragons. Bystanders have seen these heretics around the chocobo forest trying to replenish their supplies. The Warrior of Light comes across a shady looking merchant and is attacked, but the merchant is quickly defeated. They come across a parchment that reveals where the heretics will meet next, and the Warrior heads south only to find Heustienne and a group of defeated heretics. She slumps over in pain. Ser Alberic approaches, and she tells him that it will pass. He pleads her to return to Ishgard now that she has found her lance, only for her to tell them she cannot. When she was held captive, she was forced to drink dragon's blood, and she cannot return to Ishgard or her family will be suspected to be heretics. She leaves, determined to hunt down Graoully and end his reign. Ser Alberic tells the Warrior of Light that consuming dragon's blood alters the flesh and the mind will soon follow, and that they must believe in Heustienne to not be overtaken by it.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (6)

Ser Alberic hears from the Astrologians that Graoully is on the move in Western Coerthas. He has the Warrior of Light meet him at the Covictory to prepare and tells them to search north while he and Montorgains go south. The Warrior of Light finds bodies of heretics and dragons, and Heustienne facing off against Graoully. After a long battle, Graoully is defeated, with Montorgains and Alberic finding them. Though her father pleads with her to return home, Heustienne refuses because of how dangerous it could be, and tells the group that she will travel the land to overcome the dragon's blood so she can be with her father once more. With that she departs.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

With the recent end to the Dragonsong War, Ser Alberic tells the Warrior of Light that Estinien has left the holy see. He discusses the situation regarding Heustienne, and Montorgains hands the Warrior of Light a letter from her. The Warrior travels to the Dravanian Forelands to meet Heustienne, and she is happy to see her mentor once more. She has gained more control over the dragon's blood thanks to a new ally of hers, Orn Khai. The dragonlet requires aid in searching for his father's consort now that the war has ended. He knows that the dragon flew east, so Heustienne wants the Warrior of Light to ask Ser Alberic if he knows of any dravanian legends, specifically those of dragons from the east.

Ser Alberic told the Warrior about a legend of maneater dragon from Far East, so the Warrior and Orn Khai depart there. In Azim Steppe, they confront said dragon: Faunehm, Orn Kai's mother. As Faunehm is on blinding rage caused by Nidhogg's dragon song, they retreat to Kugane. Orn Khai asks Alberic of assistance.

Returning to Azim Steppe, Orn Khai is surprised to learn that said assistance is Estinien Wyrmblood, the former Azure Dragoon. Estinien's dragonslaying days are over and he asks the Warrior to work together calming Faunehm. With the two Azure Dragoons holding Faunehm at bay, Orn Khai tries to call his mother out of rage in vain, until his presence alerts his father, Verdfolnir, who restores Faunehm's sanity. Finally after a millennium, they are together again. Elated, Orn Khai bids both the Warrior and Estinien as Crimson Dragoons.

The Warrior bids farewell to the former Azure Dragoon and Orn Khai, dreaming of future adventures.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

Following Warrior of Light's return from the First, they meet with Alberic who has been working closely with Orn Khai. The Warrior regales their journey in the First, as well as how they helped the sin eater Andreia find peace. Orn Khai is reminded about Nidhogg. Despite all the things Nidhogg did, Orn Khai felt he should not be forgotten and decides to honor his memory, asking the Warrior to accompany him.

They travel to Zenith to talk with Faunehm who suggests they place mist lilies, flowers Nidhogg was fond of, at the location of his final downfall and reminisce his life. The Warrior gathers the lilies, and with Orn Khai, travels to Ala Mhigo's Royal Menagerie, where the Warrior defeated Shinryu, which was spawned through Nidhogg's Eyes, and the Eyes were eventually destroyed by Estinien. Orn Khai and the Warrior hold a memorial for Nidhogg and swear that his memory will never be forgotten.


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (7)

Lancers and dragoons wield various polearms. Their armor is primarily made up of "Maiming" gear, which they share with Reapers and they use the "Slaying" accessories like all melee DPS jobs. At lower levels they also have access to lighter armor used by other DPS disciplines, and while the bonus attributes of these items may be of use, it is important to weigh their benefits against the defense lost.

The primary attribute for lancers and dragoons is strength, which boosts their attack power, and should be prioritized over other attributes. As DPS disciplines, they draw the most benefit from the critical hit, direct hit, skill speed, and determination secondary attributes, which all improve their damage dealing capabilities in some way.

Lists of lancer and dragoon equipment

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (8) Lancer's Arms

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (9) Head
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (10) Body
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (11) Hands
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (12) Waist
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (13) Legs
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (14) Feet

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (15) Earrings
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (16) Necklaces
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (17) Bracelets
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (18) Rings
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (19) Soul Crystal

Relic Weapon and Artifact Armor[]

A Realm Reborn[]

Gae Bolg is acquired after completing the quest "A Relic Reborn". It could be upgraded to the Zodiac Weapon Longinus.

Drachen Armor set is acquired after finishing the level 50 job quest, "Into the Dragon's Maw".


Brionac can be acquired by trading Centurio Seals acquired in Clan Hunt in Ishgard. The Zodiac Weapon Longinus could be upgraded into Anima weapon Rhongomiant, and then finally upgraded into Areadbhar.

Dragonlancer Armor set is acquired after finishing the level 60 job quest, "Dragoon's Fate".


Antiquated Ryunohige is acquired alongside the Trueblood Armor set after finishing the level 70 job quest, "Dragon Sound".

Antiquated Ryunohige then could be upgraded into Eurekan weapon, Daboya Phiseos.


Trishula is acquired alongside the Pteroslaver Armor set after completing the DPS Role Quest "A Tearful Reunion", achieving level 80, and visiting Grenoldt in The Tempest.

Dragoon's Resistance Weapon is the Dreizack, and its final version is the Blade's Glory.


Abel's Lance and the Tiamat Armor set can be brought from Varsarudh in Old Sharlayan after finishing the main story quest "A Bold Decision". It is wearable at level 89.

Job Gauge[]

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (20)

The Job Gauge was introduced to players in patch 4.0 Stormblood. The Dragoon uses the Dragon Gauge.

In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, Blood of the Dragon and Life of the Dragon become traits, both strengthening the potency of Dragoon's Jump skills. Upon learning the trait Blood of the Dragon at level 54, the Dragoon can view the Dragon Gauge, which displays the strength of the first brood's gaze, which is strengthened by 1 unit by performing the action Mirage Dive (acquired at level 68). When Geirskogul is used at maximum gaze level at two units, Life of the Dragon (acquired at level 70) will activate. This will allow the Dragoon to execute several powerful actions such as Nastrond and Stardiver (acquired at level 80).

When the Dragoon learns the trait Lance Mastery IV at level 90, Raiden Thrust and Draconian Fury will strengthen the Firstminds' Focus by 1 unit, gaining status Draconian Fire. When strengthened to maximum of 2 units, they can execute the action Wyrmwind Thrust (acquired at level 90).


Class and Job Actions[]

ActionLevelTypeCastRecastMP CostRangeArea
True Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (21)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (22) 1WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 170 ( 230).

Action changes to Raiden Thrust while under the effect of Draconian Fire.

Vorpal Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (25)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (26) 4WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 130).
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 250 ( 280)

Upgrades to Lance Barrage.

Life Surge
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (30)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (31) 6AbilityInstant40s
Ensures critical damage for first weaponskill used while Life Surge is active.
Duration: 5s

Increases damage dealt when under an effect that raises critical hit rate.
Effect cannot be applied to damage over time.

Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP
Maximum Charges: 2
Piercing Talon
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (33)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (34) 15 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (35)WeaponskillInstant2.5s20y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 150.
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (36)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (37) 18WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 140).
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 210 ( 250)
Combo Bonus: Grants Power Surge
Power Surge Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s

Upgrades to Spiral Blow.

Full Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (41)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (42) 26WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Vorpal Thrust
Combo Potency: 380

Upgrades to Heavens' Thrust.

Lance Charge
fka. Blood for BloodRenamed in patch 5.0.
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (44)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (45) 30 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (46)AbilityInstant60s
Increases damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 20s
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (47)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (48) 30 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (49)AbilityInstant30s20y
Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 250 (Enhanced Jump 320). Returns you to your original position after the attack is made.
Additional Effect: Grants Dive Ready
Duration: 15s

Action optionally becomes Mirage Dive upon execution after reaching level 68.

Upgrades to High Jump.

Elusive Jump
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (51)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (52) 35 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (53)AbilityInstant30s
Executes a jump to a location 15 yalms behind you.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Doom Spike
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (54)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (55) 40 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (56)WeaponskillInstant2.5s10y10y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all enemies in a straight line before you.

Action changes to Draconian Fury when under the effect of Draconian Fire.

Winged Glide
File:Winged Glide from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (58) 45 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (59)AbilityInstant60s
colspan="7"Rush to a targeted enemy's location.
Enhanced Winged Glide Maximum Charges: 2

Cannot be executed while bound.

Chaos Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (60)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (61) 50WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
140 when executed from a target's rear.
Combo Action: Disembowel
Combo Potency: 220
Rear Combo Potency: 260
Combo Bonus: Damage over time
Potency: 40
Duration: 24s

Upgrades to Chaotic Spring.

Dragonfire Dive
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (63)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (64) 50 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (65)AbilityInstant120s20y5y radius
Delivers a jumping fire-based attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Enhanced Dragonfire Dive Additional Effect: Grants Dragon's Flight
Enhanced Dragonfire Dive Duration: 30s

Cannot be executed while bound.

Enhanced Dragonfire Dive Action optionally becomes Rise of the Dragon upon execution.

Battle Litany
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (66)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (67) 52 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (68)AbilityInstant120s30y radius
Increases critical hit rate of self and nearby party members by 10%.
Duration: 20s
Fang and Claw
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (69)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (70) 56 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (71)WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 140).
140 ( 180) when executed from a target's flank.
Combo Action: Full Thrust ( Heavens' Thrust)
Combo Potency: 260 ( 300)
Flank Combo Potency: 300 ( 340)

Action becomes Drakesbane upon execution of this action or Wheeling Thrust after reaching level 64.

Wheeling Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (77)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (78) 58 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (79)WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 140).
140 ( 180) when executed from a target's rear.
Combo Action: Chaos Thrust ( Chaotic Spring)
Combo Potency: 260 ( 300)
Rear Combo Potency: 300 ( 340)

Action becomes Drakesbane upon execution of this action or Fang and Claw after reaching level 64.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (85)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (86) 60 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (87)AbilityInstant30s15y15y line
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 200 ( 280) for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Blood of the Dragon ( Life of the Dragon)
Blood of the Dragon Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 20s
Life of the Dragon Effect: Increases damage dealt by 15%
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants 3 stacks of Nastrond Ready
Duration: 20s
Sonic Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (94)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (95) 62WeaponskillInstant2.5s10y10y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Combo Action: Doom Spike
Combo Potency: 120
Combo Bonus: Grants Power Surge
Power Surge Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s
File:Drakesbane from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (96) 64WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 440.
Combo Action: Wheeling Thrust or Fang and Claw
Combo Bonus: Grants Draconian Fire
Duration: 30s

Can only be executed after successfully landing Wheeling Thrust or Fang and Claw as a combo action.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Wheeling Thrust and Fang and Claw change to Drakesbane when requirements for execution are met.

Mirage Dive
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (97)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (98) 68AbilityInstant1s20y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Can only be executed when Dive Ready.
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (99)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (100) 70 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (101)AbilityInstant10s15y15y line
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 300 ( 360) for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Nastrond Ready.
Coerthan Torment
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (103)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (104) 72WeaponskillInstant2.5s10y10y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Combo Action: Sonic Thrust
Combo Potency: 150
Combo Bonus: Grants Draconian Fire
Duration: 30s
High Jump
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (107)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (108) 74AbilityInstant30s20y
Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 400. Returns you to your original position after the attack is made.
Additional Effect: Grants Dive Ready
Duration: 15s

Action optionally becomes Mirage Dive upon execution.

Raiden Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (109)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (110) 76WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 280 ( 320).
Additional Effect: Sharpens the Firstminds' Focus by 1

Can only be executed while under the effect of Draconian Fire.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
True Thrust changes to Raiden Thrust when requirements for execution are met.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (113)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (114) 80AbilityInstant30s20y5y radius
Delivers a jumping fire-based attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 620 ( 720) for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Enhanced Stardiver Additional Effect: Grants Starcross Ready
Enhanced Stardiver Duration: 20s

Enhanced Stardiver Effect ends when Life of the Dragon expires.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Life of the Dragon.
Cannot be executed while bound.

Enhanced Stardiver Action optionally becomes Starcross upon execution.

Draconian Fury
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (116)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (117) 82WeaponskillInstant2.5s10y10y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Sharpens the Firstminds' Focus by 1

Can only be executed while under the effect of Draconian Fire.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Doom Spike changes to Draconian Fury when requirements for execution are met.

Heavens' Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (119)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (120) 86WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 140).
Combo Action: Vorpal Thrust ( Lance Barrage)
Combo Potency: 400 ( 440)
Chaotic Spring
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (124)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (125) 86WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 ( 140).
140 ( 180) when executed from a target's rear.
Combo Action: ( Spiral Blow)
Combo Potency: 260 ( 300)
Rear Combo Potency: 300 ( 340)
Combo Bonus: Damage over time
Potency: 45
Duration: 24s
Wyrmwind Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (131)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (132) 90AbilityInstant10s15y15y line
Delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 440 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Firstminds' Focus Cost: 2
Rise of the Dragon
File:Rise of the Dragon from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (133) 92 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (134)AbilityInstant1s20y5y radius
Deals physical damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 550 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Dragon's Flight.
Lance Barrage
File:Lance Barrage from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (135) 96WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 340
Spiral Blow
File:Spiral Blow from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (136) 96WeaponskillInstant2.5s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 300
Combo Bonus: Grants Power Surge
Power Surge Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s
File:Starcross from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (137) 100AbilityInstant1s3y5y radius
Deals physical damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 900 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Starcross Ready.

Role Actions[]

ActionLevelTypeCastRecastMP CostRangeArea
Second Wind
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (138)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (139)Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (140) 8AbilityInstant120s
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 500 (Enhanced Second Wind 800)
Leg Sweep
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (141)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (142) 10AbilityInstant40s3y
Stuns target.
Duration: 3s
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (143)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (144) 12AbilityInstant90s
Converts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 20s
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (145)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (146) 22AbilityInstant90s10y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5%.
Duration: 10s (Enhanced Feint 15s)
Arm's Length
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (147)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (148)Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (149)Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (150) 32AbilityInstant120s
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s
True North
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (151)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (152) 50AbilityInstant45s
Nullifies all action direction requirements.
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2


Enhanced Jump
File:Enhanced Jump from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (153) 54 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (154)Increases the potency of Jump to 320.
Life of the Dragon
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (155)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (156) 70 Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (157)Upgrades Blood of the Dragon to Life of the Dragon.
Life of the Dragon Effect: Increases damage dealt by 15%
Upon successfully landing Geirskogul, grants 3 stacks of Nastrond Ready.
Duration: 20s
Jump Mastery
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (158)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (159) 74Upgrades Jump to High Jump.
Lance Mastery
fka. Lance Mastery II
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (160)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (161) 76Increases the potency of True Thrust to 230, Vorpal Thrust to 130, and Disembowel to 140.
Grants Draconian Fire if Drakesbane is executed following Fang and Claw or Wheeling Thrust.
Duration: 30s

Effect of Draconian Fire ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill.
Upgrades True Thrust to Raiden Thrust while under the effect of Draconian Fire.

Enhanced Coerthan Torment
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (162)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (163) 82Grants the effect of Draconian Fire after successfully completing a combo with Coerthan Torment.
Duration: 30s

Effect of Draconian Fire ends upon execution of any melee weaponskill.
Upgrades Doom Spike to Draconian Fury while under the effect of Draconian Fire.

Enhanced Winged Glide
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (164)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (165) 84Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Winged Glide.
Maximum Charges: 2
Lance Mastery II
fka. Lance Mastery III
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (166)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (167) 86Upgrades Full Thrust to Heavens' Thrust and Chaos Thrust to Chaotic Spring. Also increases the potency of Drakesbane to 400.
Enhanced Life Surge
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (168)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (169) 88Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Life Surge.
Maximum Charges: 2
Lance Mastery III
fka. Lance Mastery IV
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (170)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (171) 90Increases the potency of Geirskogul to 280 and Nastrond to 360.
Allows for the sharpening of the Firstminds' Focus upon successfully landing Raiden Thrust or Draconian Fury, up to a maximum of 2 units.
Enhanced Dragonfire Dive
File:Enhanced Dragonfire Dive from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (172) 92Grants Dragon's Flight upon executing Dragonfire Dive.
Duration: 30s
Melee Mastery
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (173)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (174) 94Increases the potency of Fang and Claw to 140, Wheeling Thrust to 140, Drakesbane to 440, Raiden Thrust to 320, Stardiver to 720, Heavens' Thrust to 140, and Chaotic Spring to 140.
Lance Mastery IV
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (175)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (176) 96Upgrades Vorpal Thrust to Lance Barrage and Disembowel to Spiral Blow.
Enhanced Stardiver IV
File:Enhanced Stardiver from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (177) 100Grants Starcross Ready upon executing Stardiver.
Duration: 20s
Effect ends when Life of the Dragon expires.

Role Traits[]

Enhanced Second Wind
File:Enhanced Second Wind from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (178)Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (179) 94Increases the healing potency of Second Wind to 800.
Enhanced Feint
File:Enhanced Feint Role from Final Fantasy XIV icon.png
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (180) 98Extends the duration of Feint to 15 seconds.

PvP Actions[]

ActionTypeCastRecastMP CostRangeArea
Raiden Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (181)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 3,000.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Fang and Claw
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (182)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000.
Combo Action: Raiden Thrust

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Wheeling Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (183)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 5,000.
Combo Action: Fang and Claw

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Chaotic Spring
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (184)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000.
Additional Effect: Absorbs 150% of damage dealt as HP

This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (185)
AbilityInstant20s15y15y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Additional Effect: Grants Life of the Dragon
Life of the Dragon Effect: Increases damage dealt and damage suffered by 25%
Duration: 10s

※Action changes to Nastrond upon execution.

High Jump
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (186)
Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Grants Heavensent
Duration: 10s

Cannot be executed while bound.
※Wheeling Thrust Combo changes to Heavens' Thrust while under the effect of Heavensent.

Elusive Jump
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (187)
Executes a jump to a location 15 yalms behind you.
Additional Effect: Removes Heavy and Bind
Additional Effect: Increases movement speed by 25%
Duration: 5s
Additional Effect: Grants Firstminds' Focus
Duration: 10s

※Action changes to Wyrmwind Thrust while under the effect of Firstminds' Focus.

Horrid Roar
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (188)
AbilityInstant25s10y radius
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 4,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Horrid Roar
Horrid Roar Effect: Reduces damage target deals to you by 50%
Duration: 10s
Heavens' Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (189)
Delivers an attack with a potency of 12,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Heavensent.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (190)
AbilityInstant1s15y15y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 4,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Potency increases up to 8,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 50% HP or less.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Life of the Dragon.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Wyrmwind Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (191)
WeaponskillInstant2.4s20y20y line
Delivers an attack with a potency of 8,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
Potency increases up to 16,000 the farther away you are from the target, reaching its maximum value when the target is 15 yalms away.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Firstminds' Focus.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Sky High
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (192)
Limit BreakInstant10s
Jump high into the air, preventing enemies from targeting you. Movement is still possible before landing.
Duration: 5s
Additional Effect: Removes Heavy, Bind, and Half-asleep

Executes Sky Shatter automatically when effect duration expires.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Sky Shatter upon execution.

Sky Shatter
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (193)
Limit BreakInstant1s10y radius
Delivers an attack with a potency of 16,000 to all nearby enemies.
Potency increases to 32,000 when targets are within 5 yalms.
Additional Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 24,000 potency
Duration: 10s

Can only be executed while under the effect of Sky High.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Standard-issue Elixir
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (194)
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.
Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (195)
AbilityInstant1s2500 MP
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (196)
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, and Deep Freeze.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify
Duration: 5s

Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (197)
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s

Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (198)
Increases movement speed.
Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

Removed actions[]

The following actions are no longer usable. Removed actions will still appear on a hotbar, their icon greyed out icon with a red strikethrough. They will have no effect and must be removed by the player. The given statistics represent their last form before their removal.

ActionLevelTypeCastRecastMP CostRangeArea
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (199)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (200)2WeaponskillInstant2.5sBase value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%
Duration: 10s (PvP 6s)

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (201)14 Enhanced Feint: Extends Slow duration to 20 seconds. (PvP 10 seconds)

Replaced with Feint Role Action in patch 4.0.

Keen Flurry
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (202)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (203)6AbilityInstant90s
Increases parry rate by 40%.
Duration: 20s

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (204)20 Keener Flurry: Improves the parry rate increase to 80%.

Removed in patch 4.0.

Impulse Drive
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (205)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (206)6WeaponskillInstant2.5sBase value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.

Removed in patch 5.0.

Leg Sweep
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (207)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (208)10AbilityInstant30s3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s (PvP 2s)

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (209)28 Enhanced Leg Sweep: Shortens recast time to 20 seconds.

Replaced with Leg Sweep Role Action in patch 4.0.

Heavy Thrust
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (210)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (211)10WeaponskillInstant2.5sBase value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
190 when executed from a target's flank.
Additional Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s

Removed in patch 5.0.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (212)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (213)22AbilityInstant120s
Instantly restores 400 TP.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (214)36 Exhilarate: Increases the TP restored to 500.

Replaced with Invigorate Role Action in patch 4.0.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (215)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (216)30WeaponskillInstant2.5sBase value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 170.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 30
Duration: 24s

Removed in patch 4.0.

Power Surge
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (217)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (218)45AbilityInstant60s
Increases the damage dealt by a single Jump or Spineshatter Dive by 50%.
Duration: 10s

Removed in patch 4.0.

Spineshatter Dive
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (219)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (220) 45AbilityInstant60s20y
Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 190 ( 250).
Maximum Charges: 2

Cannot be executed while bound.

Removed in patch 7.0.

Ring of Thorns
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (223)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (224)46WeaponskillInstant2.5sBase value; the higher the character's Skill Speed stat, the lower the recast time will be5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Combo Action: Heavy Thrust
Combo Potency: 150

Removed in patch 4.0.

Blood of the Dragon
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (225)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (226)54AbilityInstant25s
Increases potency of High Jump and Spineshatter Dive by 30%.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Sharper Fang and Claw upon successfully executing Full Thrust, or Enhanced Wheeling Thrust upon successfully executing Chaos Thrust.
Duration: 10s
Effects end upon reuse or upon using a weaponskill other than Fang and Claw or Wheeling Thrust.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Life of the Dragon.

Replaced with Blood of the Dragon Trait in patch 6.0.

Dragon Sight
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (227)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (228) 66AbilityInstant120s30y
Grants Right Eye to self, increasing damage dealt by 10% and nullifying all action direction requirements. Also grants target party member Left Eye, increasing damage dealt by 5%.
Duration: 20s

Removed in patch 7.0.

Limit Break[]

Dragoons' Limit Breaks focus on dealing powerful damage to a single target. Dragoons have the same Level 1 and Level 2 limit breaks as other Melee DPS classes.

Braver1Delivers an attack to a single target.Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (229)
Bladedance2Delivers an attack to a single target, dealing 2.2x the damage of Braver.Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (230)
Dragonsong Dive3Delivers an attack to a single target, dealing 3.5x the damage of Braver.Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (231)
Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (232)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (233)

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (234)This section about an ability in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (235)

Blood of the Dragon.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (236)

Fang and Claw.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (237)This gallery is incomplete and requires Jump added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (238)This section about an ability in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Dragoon and Lancer appear in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Lightning-elemental Backup and Forward cards.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (239)

Dragoon [12-094C] Chapter series card.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (240)

Lancer [15-101C] Chapter series card.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (241)

Dragoon [2-120C] Opus series card.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (243)

Dragoon [6-104C] Opus series card.

Behind the scenes[]

Unlike previous uses of the term "Lancer" as an alternate localization for the Dragoon job class, here it is a literal translation of a separate class (though it does "upgrade" into it). Despite the in-game description of the Lancer stating it can out-range opponents, the range of spears is no different than that of swords and axes used by the other melee classes.

Square Enix's Eorzea Cafe served a dish called "Dragoon's pasta ~Sakura style~" with a description that translates to: A plate of pasta inspired by the flashes of pink in fields of green left by the "Dragoon's" Cherry Blossom ability. A Dragoon's spear has been thrust into this mix of fresh spinach pasta, cherry blossoms, and sakura shrimp!

Dragoon's official artwork is an allusion to Kain Highwind's famous pose in Final Fantasy IV. Several of Dragoon's skills, such as Nastrond and Stardiver, are abilities from Nidhogg when he's fought in The Final Steps of Faith trial.


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (244)

Lancer CG art.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (245)

Lancer render for the original Final Fantasy XIV.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (246)

Dragoon render for the original Final Fantasy XIV.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (247)

Lancer render for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (248)

Dragoon sprite.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (249)

Dragoon's victory pose.

Arms and Gear sets

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (250)

A spear.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (251)

Another spear.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (252)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (253)

Dragoon Artifact Equipment concept art.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (254)

Dragoon artwork.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (255)

Snakestongue PVP set.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (257)

Artifact equipment from Shadowbringers.

PvE actions

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (258)

True Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (259)

Vorpal Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (260)

Life Surge.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (261)

Piercing Talon.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (262)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (264)

Lance Charge.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (265)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (266)

Elusive Jump.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (267)

Doom Spike.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (268)

Chaos Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (269)

Dragonfire Dive.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (270)

Battle Litany.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (271)

Fang and Claw.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (272)

Wheeling Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (273)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (274)

Sonic Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (275)

Mirage Dive.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (276)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (277)

Coerthan Torment.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (278)

Raiden Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (279)

High Jump.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (280)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (281)

Draconian Fury.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (282)

Heavens' Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (283)

Chaotic Spring.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (284)

Wyrmwind Thrust.

Role Actions

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (285)

Second Wind.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (286)

Leg Sweep.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (287)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (288)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (289)

Arm's Length.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (290)

True North.


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (291)

Sky High.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (292)

Sky Shatter.

Removed actions

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (293)

Blood for Blood.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (294)

Blood of the Dragon.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (295)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (296)

Heavy Thrust.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (297)

Impulse Drive.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (298)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (299)

Keen Flurry.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (300)

Leg Sweep.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (301)


Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (302)

Power Surge.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (303)

Ring of Thorns.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (304)

Spineshatter Dive.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (305)

Dragon Sight (user).

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (306)

Dragon Sight (partner).


[view· edit· purge]A lancer was a type of cavalryman who fought with a lance. Lances were used in mounted warfare by the Assyrians as early as 700 BC and subsequently by Greek, Persian, Gallic, Han-Chinese, nomadic and Roman horsem*n. The weapon was widely used in Asia and Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by armoured cavalry, before being adopted by light cavalry, particularly in Eastern Europe. In a modern context, a lancer regiment usually denotes an armoured regiment.

In the Final Fantasy series, a lancer is usually synonymous with Dragoon.

Dragoon (Final Fantasy XIV) (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.